Baijiu is the world’s most consumed spirit

In China the so-called Common Man can get Baiju for CN¥2 (INR 26). The highest grade of Wuliangye retails for CN¥26,800 (US$3,375). Some popular baijiu brands include Kweichow Moutai, Red Star Erguotou, Luzhou Laojiao, and Wuliangye.

In 1983, archaeologists unearthed artefacts from the Jiagu civilisation (7000-5800BC) in China’s north-western Henan Province. Pottery analysis revealed trace residue of an alcohol made from grapes, honey, hawthorn fruit and rice. It is one of the oldest known findings of alcohol distillation and it is also one of the earliest known instances of rice cultivation for human consumption. Older than vodka, whisky, rum, brandy, gin, and tequila, Baijiu can be traced back 7000 years. Baijiu is the world’s most consumed spirit, more than gin, rum, tequila, vodka or whisky. Vodka consumption accounted for around 19% of market share for spirits, whisky at 11%. Baijiu was 31%.
